Tuesday 29 December 2009

New Year's Resolutions

My attempts at blogging here this year have been woefully poor. I may have made this same resolution regarding my Other Blog (where I talk about real world, rather than crafty me, and generally rant, moan and discuss what happens in my head!) but one of my New Year's resolutions is to blog here, and there, at least once a week.

I'm hoping that this will inspire me to a) craft more, b) actually write about things without bottling them up more, and c) entertain / annoy / amuse / insert word here people who bother to read these things!

So, keep watching, and poke me (metaphorically preferably) when I don't make posts.

ETA: I've added a new layout. Isn't it pretty?!

1 comment:

Rhian said...

Hmmm, good thinking, I'm now considering adding this to my resolution list as well!