So, I've started a new craft blog. The last one failed miserably, but I thought I'd try again, since I've started really crafting again.
So, here are my most recent creations:
First up - button flowers:
These are wool, made on a flower loom - with a button sewn in the middle! Simple, but pretty, I think. They have brooch backs sewn onto them too, so they can be worn on clothes or handbags or whatever!
This is a super skinny, super long scarf, with pom-poms at the end. Just because I thought it would look cute!
This cute little guy is what happens when I'm bored and find some felt. It's an apple (clearly!). Another brooch!
And finally:
A finger knitted scarf with some button flowers woven in. Very pretty I think (although I may be biased!).
And as this is my first post - and I'm all excited - I'm going to have a little giveaway! Anyone who posts a comment will go into a draw to win a button flower brooch - this one to be exact:
Leave an email address with your comment and I'll pull one name out of a hat on Sunday March 15th. I'll then email the winner for their address!